Sheesh--last week, I thought it was just me (or some unfortunate editing!) when I spied Ramona dancing, by herself, at the Hamptons Party for Bethenny's cover on The Real Housewives of NYC. The show has "featured" Ramona's spastic dancing in the past and it never disappoints!!
Some genius posted this clip on Youtube and as you can see, my eyes did *not* deceive me. Not only is Ramona a horrible dancer, please note that she is the ONLY person in the crowd, dancing at all. Classic Ramona.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Ramona Singer dancing--alone--at Hamptons party
Bravo TV Video - Catchphrases
This is a VERY short clip, but it emcompasses why I am having trouble getting into The Real Housewives of NYC this season:
Ramona rambling about getting what she wants (and not just spitting out what she has been saying since she first met a tv camera--that making money is an aphrodesiac and she likes it), the "Countess" referring to herself in the third person, and Bethenny having absolutely no sense of modesty by dubbing HERSELF the "Queen of One Liners," yet prattling off tons of one-liners...none of which remotely belong to her! Newsflash, Bethenny, the 1980s called and they want their lines back.
Bravo TV Video - Feeling the Heat
Ooooh. I just figured out Bravo's new site. Well, the site itself isn't new, but they did some upgrades a while back and I could no longer figure out how to embed the videos or photos---and that's because AOL won't play nice with *ANY* site on the entire internet. Playing with IE, there's actually a tag to embed on Blogger, which will make the RHofNYC easier and more fun.
Here's the icky clip of Simon "feeling the heat." Ramona is right--he makes my skin crawl! And is it just me or did Ramona get her meds adjusted because she's not nearly AS loathsome this season...