Each week, the Housewives publish their self-serving works of re-writing history on their blogs. Vicki's finally showed up today. http://www.bravotv.com/Real_Housewives_Of_Orange_County/season/4/blogs/index.php?blog=vicki_gunvalson&article=2009/01/health_is_wealth
One thing has become overwhelmingly apparent on Vicki's and Jeana's blogs--they, somehow think it's an appropriate place to hawk whatever business they are in and whatever products they think they can sell their "fans." I noticed that as of last night's blogs, Tamra (and Simon) also got in on the act. These creatures aren't very self-aware...Simon wants to use a humiliating episode which spotlighted his tequila to sell...yup, that same tequila. Vicki can't say enough about those damned diet pills and trainer du jour (ditto Jeana) and of course, Vicki's reason to live...her insurance CAREER (it's so not a j-o-b).
Anyway, of her two page lameness, page one was entirely self promotional. Sad. Here is page two.
When Jeana, Lynne, Gretchen and I went to lunch at the Viceroy in Los Angeles, we happened to get on the subject of finances. I have learned to try and stay away from personal discussion of finances amongst a group of women in a social environment, but once we got to talking about it there was no way to stop it. I have NO IDEA why Lynne became so offended at the conversation and I thought she was being extremely RUDE and mean! I have been in the insurance business for over 19 years and currently have approximately 400 agents that work through my company Coto Insurance across the United States. We educate our clients and agents continuously on how to "forward plan" for the "unforeseen" to be sure their family is protected in the event of an illness or death. It was not to be construed as me telling Gretchen to obtain Jeff's money without his knowledge. I was simply trying to point out to her that if Jeff passed away and she was not part of his beneficiary designation plan, she would not be entitled to any of the life insurance proceeds. Due to the fact she was solely dependent on Jeff financially, I wanted her to at least be aware of the consequences if this were to happen. After I saw the episode and watched Lynne flip me off in her interview, it only confirmed to me that she is as clueless as she acts when it comes to financial planning, and she lacks class. My comments to Gretchen were to simply help her through her difficult time and to educate her. It was nothing more than that, and for Lynne to cause an argument about it was very ignorant on her part.
I said I doubted Lynne's business skills because after being with her on several occasions, it just doesn't seem like she has what it takes to run a business. Running a successful business is a 24/7 commitment. When she told me that she designs jewelry cuffs I thought it was more of a hobby than a business. When she was in Fred Segal and talking with the people behind the counter, I knew she was trying to see if they would be interested in displaying her jewelry.
While we were shopping at Fred Segal, we were asked to go to the perfume counter to design our own fragrance. That actually was a very fun thing to do, as I have never done that before. It was difficult picking out the different scents to find the ones that best described my personality, but I did my best. It was harder than you think!
See you next week.
I'll start out by saying I thought Lynne was a poor choice for this show, and aside from her very weak maternal skills with her oldest demon, I mean...daughter, I have come to like Lynne. For one thing, she doesn't take the bullshit that Vicki thinks she's allowed to dish out. Every week, it's all about Vicki wanting others to go slowly so she can "accept" them. Uh, no. Casting told them to show up and you're not the boss of the world so freaking ACCEPT it and move on. This bully has to haze anyone new who dares to appear on the show. It only serves to highlight her neediness and insanity.
Okay, now about the blog....When Jeana, Lynne, Gretchen and I went to lunch at the Viceroy in Los Angeles, we happened to get on the subject of finances. I have learned to try and stay away from personal discussion of finances amongst a group of women in a social environment, but once we got to talking about it there was no way to stop it. I have NO IDEA why Lynne became so offended at the conversation and I thought she was being extremely RUDE and mean!
I didn't see that at all. Lynne wasn't mean...in fact, just the opposite. She seemed stunned by your naked greed. She may be naive, but the only RUDE one at the table was you. You rolled your eyes and cut Lynne off. You'd been rude in the limo on the way to Fred Segal so your behavior in the restaurant was no departure from how you always act when Lynne is around.
After I saw the episode and watched Lynne flip me off in her interview, it only confirmed to me that she is as clueless as she acts when it comes to financial planning, and she lacks class
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hilarious!! If Lynne's honesty meant she lacked class, perhaps you forgot another limo ride, last season, when you jumped all over Jeana for putting Frankie in your rental property and shouted a chorus of fuck yous...sound familiar?
My comments to Gretchen were to simply help her through her difficult time and to educate her. It was nothing more than that, and for Lynne to cause an argument about it was very ignorant on her part.
There was no argument, dear Vicki. Lynne never raised her voice. You simply refuse to allow a differing opinion and I suppose in your warped mind, that denotes an argument. Last I heard of a raised voice was your shrieking, "She's a NUT" about Lynne. So not classy!!
I said I doubted Lynne's business skills because after being with her on several occasions, it just doesn't seem like she has what it takes to run a business. Running a successful business is a 24/7 commitment. When she told me that she designs jewelry cuffs I thought it was more of a hobby than a business. When she was in Fred Segal and talking with the people behind the counter, I knew she was trying to see if they would be interested in displaying her jewelry.
You are soooo jealous that not only does Lynne not need to pretend to be important 24/7 and impress everyone that she is working hard every second of the damned day..no, Lynne actually likes what she does, she involves her daughter and right under your pig nose, she gave her card to Fred Segal and managed to get them as a client. All without an internet connection and obnoxiously clicking away on the keys while others are enjoying a "Girls Day Out."
If you have time, read the comments under Vicki's blog. It seems like she's fooling no one.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Vicki's blog
Bravo TV Video - Wives + Cocktails = Lots Of Fun
I went to www.bravotv.com hoping to find a clip of Miss Piggy, er, Vicki's embarrassing escapade that appeared in next week's promo, but alas, it isn't posted. I did find this little gem. It's a cocktail party at Lynne's and I officially LOVE Lynne. Awesome that she toasted Tamra as "the hottest housewife," but then mocked her completely.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Scandalous Housewife: Say (Dick) Cheese!
Scandalous Housewife: Say (Dick) Cheese!
I was just searching the blogosphere, bored with reality tv for the moment and I stumbled on a fun blog, Scandalous Housewife. This photo had me doubled over!!
Real Housewives of the OC, the bathroom, part deux
Sorry this is so late in coming--I actually couldn't tear myself away from Inauguration coverage (GOBAMA). I just knew Bravo would back down from the "implied pending date rape" they left us at last week. Know how I knew? Before watching one scene from tonight's episode, I went to www.bravotv.com and what did I see? Tamra posted her blog (as per usual) mere minutes after the show aired. Makes you wonder why last week, she waited until Friday afternoon of a long holiday weekend?
Before getting to the show, I have to share this with you---I am shocked at the balls on Tamra and Simon. On her blog, she actually links to the site where Simon is selling his tequila. Not bad enough, a quick gander at his site and that jerk has a photo of the dinner party under the "News" section on his tequila. Ballsy. Check it out. http://tequilaelcondeazul.com/News.html Nothing sells a new brand of tequila like ambiguous attempted date rape......where can I get me some of dat??
Okay, now on to the show....
It starts out with the vulgar scenes from last week, but with an add on of sorts. Last week, we just saw Gretchen leave the room with Ryan close behind. This week, the scene expands to show Tamra and her daughter in the kitchen (noted last week and highly objected to by me). This week, we also see Simon is there and there's a lot more interaction with Sydney (I think that's the daughter's name) and Gretchen asks aloud, "Where's Spencer?" I am guessing that's Tamra's other son...because surely, all the kids should be a part of this heartfelt family scene. Gretchen keeps calling out, "Spenceeerrr...." and she turns to Ryan and says, "Let's go find Spencer." They leave the kitchen together (which Ray Charles could have seen, yet Tamra's voiceover insists that they disappeared and she has no idea where they'd gone. As NeNe would say, "Suspect.")
It's after they leave the kitchen, that we hear the spliced line from last week where Gretchen announces, 'I have to go potty.' Closed bathroom door and lots of last week's dialogue that we all heard before the "To Be Continued" screen. Now, it's just more painful back and forth of a slurring Gretchen insisting they can't make out and Ryan with his constant, "Why?" DUH!
Gretchen keeps telling him to go "out there" and creepy dumb ass keeps asking, "Are you sure?" Gretch tells him she can't make out with him because he's Tamra's son and he persists..."Just one peck?" Even blasted drunk Gretchen says, "Nice try." Desperate, much?
Ryan finally leaves the bathroom, looking defeated and creepy and soon after, Gretchen stumbles out. APPARENTLY, nothing happened, but not for lack of Ryan's trying (and trying and trying....)
Gretchen returns back outside, with her shadow, Ryan, close behind and Lynn expresses her concern. Tamra's voiceover says that Simon offered to call Gretchen a cab and Ryan offered to take Gretchen home, but Tamra put a kibosh on that. End of drama.
Next day shows Lynne, in her kitchen, with her youngest daughter. Apparently this episode has zero appearances by Raquel and a day without Raquel, for me, is a day WITH sunshine. Anyway, Lynne is a sweetie. She calls Gretchen and gets her voicemail. realizing Gretchen probably has the hangover from hell, she leaves a very motherly and nice voicemail. I like Lynne.
Good God...now we need to wallow in Jeana's depression and we're still hearing about Matt. Apparently, Matt has found an apartment and is in the process of moving out. Jeana's whole segment--pity party, table for one..traipsing through the empty house, feeling sorry for herself. Of course, that could only be followed by a visit from the trainer and more excuses about how Matt is to blame for Jeana not working out and criticizing her weight. It's apparent Jeana is carrying a ton of extra weight--but does she have a backbone to support it?
Just when I thought I couldn't feel lower, who has to show up in the episode? Tamra. Mother of the Year is hosting a kids pool party. By the looks of her chest, she's wearing permanent floating devices. Who else would you invite to a children's pool party, but childless Gretchen, who shows up with her two DOGS in tow. Fantastic. According to Tamra's voiceover, she recalls Gretchen saying she wanted children and really, how better to learn than inviting her to your house to witness how you supervise a pool party with your slutty friends and cocktails in hand?
Now for the "fall off the couch moment" of Tamra's stupidity. More voiceover crap--"There's a big part of me that really, really likes Gretchen, she's a fun girl. More than anything, though, I feel sorry for her. Gretchen might be a little bit envious of where I am....in my life....and I think it's time that she stops the partyin' and gets serious."
Bwahahahahah!! Where to start with this gem?? There's a big part of her that really, really likes Gretchen? So it's just the itty-bitty part of Tamra that just last week wanted to show the "dark side of Gretchen" and get her "naked wasted."
She thinks Gretchen is envious of her?? Other way around, doll. YOU couldn't be more jealous of Gretchen--her youth, good looks, and the real money she has access to--your husband is unemployed and using the RHofOC to hawk tequila that caused a scandal!
You think Gretchen should stop the partyin'? You have a decade on Gretchem you cow. In last week's blog, Tamra blamed her Indian heritage on her inability to drink and vowed to stop drinking altogether. I know this show is taped months in advance, but the pool party scene was taped not long after the tequila-naked-wasted party and what is that in Tamra's hand by early afternoon? Yup, a cocktail. Go figure!
It wouldn't be a pool party in the OC unless we could hear more than we wished we knew about boobs and boob jobs. Big shout out to CJ, Tamra's friend, who remained nameless in the scene until Tamra' mentioned her new boobs. Way to go, CJ!! And it bears repeating--what is up with the two basketballs Tamra has stapled onto her sun damaged chest? I know she claimed to have had a reduction last year, but I'm calling shenanigans on that...in fact, I'd put money on an augmentation. Her breasts are downright scary!
Now that you have the brain-scarring image of Tamra's fake ones in your mind...enter RYAN at the kids pool party. I'd say you can't make this stuff up, but clearly you can since this show does every damned week. Jeez--Gretchen and Ryan both at a party aimed for 7 year olds. What's the chances...?
Tamra admits that Ryan only came by because Gretchen was in attendance sand she says that he was trying to pick up where he left off. Gretchen, in her interview, says that as far as Ryan hitting on her or whatever people told her had happened at the party (before the season aired so definitely before the viewers were outraged) she says, "IT DIDN'T HAPPEN, I wouldn't let it happen." Uh, okay.
Of course, we have to hear the heart warming story that Ryan has been hitting on Tamra's friends since he was seven. What a child prodigy!! She managed to slip in that when he was 7 and she was a single mom and had a roommate who was a stripper. Hmmm. I wonder if she and her roommie were also coworkers??
Now for my favorite part of the entire show!! I posted, a few days ago, the scene of Vicki stumbling at the LeTip party and it's a classic. As much as I enjoyed rewinding the DVR scene of Vicki vs the nerf football at Havasu, this is 100 times better. Enough with the damned WOO HOO crap. I absolutely delighted in Vicki's fall from the platform. Gravity is NOT Vicki's friend.
The party was at Jeana's house and it's not like she hasn't been there before or the step was just installed. Vicki's son and his girlfriend could hardly contain their glee when they saw it happen. Bravo showed it THREE times, back to back and two were slow-motion! Donn's commentary was priceless and then the awesome flashback to the nerf incident followed. Comedy gold!! Vicki's reaction to Michael and his girlfriend, just after falling, "Ok. Let's go into drink mode." LOL.
I know I read somewhere that Lynne was a jewelry designer who specialized in making bracelet cuffs. It so disinterests me, but now that I like Lynne (and I'm not being subjected to Raquel this episode), I can forgive the boring spotlight the show is throwing on her. I would never pay $300 for an accessory made famous by Wonder Woman, but that's just me.
The show picks back up with Jeana and Gretchen going out to lunch alone. I don't know--seems like an odd pairing. When Jeana isn't being all mopey, I like her, but she and Gretchen are polar opposites. I was really surprised when Gretchen brought up the drama of Jeff's ex (he has had 5 wives) turning up at Jeff's hospital bed, all the way from Michigan, without so much as a phone call. Leave it to Jeana to play devil's advocate. True, this ex seems to have been the mother of at least one of his children, but it's not like the ex drove in from a neighboring town--this woman flew cross country. This didn't sit well with Gretchen, who apparently voiced this to the ex wife and of course, Jeana thinks Gretchen shouldn't have defended herself or her position.
Gretchen nails it when she says it's hard to get close to Jeana because she pretends everything is good and happy and that there isn't anything bad in her life. Despite the front Jeana is putting up, though, you can plainly see the misery and the extra weight so I don't know who she's fooling....
Oh, God. Another manufactured scene of an "activity" set up by Bravo so we can put the Housewives in a limo and send their somewhere to build a storyline and film the group together. I am aggravated about having to watch stupid Vicki, in a limo, trying to get wireless for her laptop, when you just know she is cruising TMZ or some gossip site and not doing a shred of work.
The upside to this limo excursion is that Tamra isn't there. The housewives banter that Tamra might be pregnant (oh, please, no) and Vicki says she can "guarantee" Tamra isn't....I have no idea how she can issue that type of guarantee, but okay.....
Vicki is slightly less obnoxious when Tamra isn't around and there's a lot less tension. Whatever tension there is, however, gets directed at poor Lynne. I admit that it's beyond bizarre for any person to set up an "office on wheels" on a commute to a girl's day out at Fred Siegal. When Lynne makes light of Vicki's intensity, Vicki snaps, "It's a waste of an hour, being in the car, if you can't do work." Jeana jokes that she's sitting next to Vicki and she's afraid that she'll be asked to do secretarial duties. Lyne pipes in, "I'll play your secretary," to which Vicki issues the slapdown. "No, I need people who really know how to work though." Ouch. Then, we see Lynne's interview and as she recounts the vicious remark, she holds up her middle finger (bolded) and keeps it up for quite a while, in a salute to Vicki. YOU GO, LYNNE!!! My new favorite housewife!!!
A boring trip to Fred Segal, and a tour of fancy vibrators, was almost enough to put me to sleep. The only fun thing about the trip was that Lynne dropped off her business card with the jewelry manager to try to get them to sell those hideous cuffs. Ironic since Vicki spent an entire on camera interview talking about how Lynne has no focus and what she does isn't a JOB, it's a CAREER. Look who is able to sell things without obnoxiously typing in the limo and ramming her business down everyone's throats? Touche, Lynne.
Shopping was followed by lunch and it was awkward. Clearly Vicki does not like Lynne and generally that brings out Jeana's passive aggressive side, where she will not stick up for Vicki. I don't know what happened at this luncheon, but as usual, it left me feeling embarrassed.
The topic of conversation is Jeff's will. Apparently Gretchen is paying the bills while Jeff is sick and although she's a realtor, she can't work because she spends nearly every day at the hospital.
This is all TOTALLY up Vicki's alley because she's in insurance. She knows all about beneficiaries and pay outs and it becomes an interrogation. Jeana offers that you need to "make him sign something." Lynne was totally taken aback and clearly uncomfortable, not so much with the topic, but with the greed and pushiness of Vicki and Jeana. She gently tried to interject that money shouldn't be the focus and you would have thought, instead, that she had killed Vicki and Jeana's pets. Seriously.
Most shocking was Jeana's suggestion that Gretchen just go ahead and get married. To Jeff. In the hospital--problem solved. Who are these women? And as poor Lynne tries to deflect the naked greed, Vicki says, "Don't be confrontational." Vicki's constant commentary, calling Lynne rude, announcing that the wind has been sucked out of her fucking sails, and finally, 'She's a NUT--am I the only one seeing this?' Yes, Vicki, you are......Lynne is harmless and dim, but the word NUT is reserved solely for you.
In the end, though, Bravo editing gets Vicki again because in contrast to all the ugly things she said to and about Lynne and how Lynne didn't have a career...it turns out that Fred Segal did end up calling Lynne and asking to do a trunk show at her house and agreed to buy some pieces. I wish, though, that when Lynne had the jewelry buyers at her house that she would have used glass instead of plastic cups...but in the last minute of the show, she zinged Vicki. She said it was Vicki's comments that had lit a fire under her to succeed and she wanted to make Vicki a cuff of her own, but......she wasn't sure if it would have horns or not. And then she laughed. TAKE THAT, BITCH! Vicki and all her delusion and thinking that she doesn't have to "accept" new castmembers...it's about time someone put that cow in her place!!
I cannot wait for next week because the previews were fierce!! Vicki, in a bar with strange men saying her "boobs want to come out and play." HAHAHAHAHA! Watch what happens.....
And that's why I am Bravo's bitch. They have sucked me back in. Again.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jay Lyin', er, Lyon
I can't say what, exactly, I don't like about Jay Lyon except that he's skeevy and cute accent aside, I can't find a redeeming quality about him on my television. I was cruising Google and found this site http://celebpic.blogspot.com/2007/12/tara-reid-hooks-up-with-aussie-musician.html which features a gallery of photos of Jay...with skanky Tara Reid. Ick! He apparently hooked up with the American Pie reject less than a year before "The City" started filming. Is it possible he found the falling down drunk/plastic surgery victim attactive? I guess....but more likely, he's a fame ho and a poor girl's Justin Bobby. GROSS!
Nevan Donahue--cousin and wanted man?
Ha! I found this charming side by side photo on the Huffington Post. I remember Nevan mentioning his tragic "spitting ticket" a few weeks ago, but I must have missed his arrest for soliciting a prostitue and skipping out on community service??
E! News ran this article, after finding out the interesting info on The Smoking Gun:
The warrant stems from a 2007 arrest for on prostitution charge, a spokesman for the West Palm Beach Clerk's Office told E! News.
Donahue's arrest came on February 26, 2007 after he drove up to an undercover female police officer who was posing as a prostitute in West Palm Beach and attempted to solicit oral sex in exchange for OxyContin, according to a police affidavit obtained by The Smoking Gun.
Donahue -- who already had his belt unbuckled and his pants unbuttoned and unzipped when he drove up to the officer -- was charged with "solicitation to commit prostitution" and transported to police headquarters for processing, after which he was sent to the Palm Beach County Jail, according to the report. The Jeep Cherokee SUV that he was driving was towed and impounded.
Donahue agreed to a plea bargain in which he received probation and was fined and ordered to perform community service in February 2008, according to The Smoking Gun.
However he then violated his probation by failing to follow through with the deal's 75-hour community service commitment and a warrant for his arrest was issued in August, E! News reported.
"He was supposed to do community service hours and he didn't complete them, or never began them," the West Palm Beach Clerk's Office spokesperson told E! News.
I'll have to do some more digging on this guy, but why would he be anywhere near a reality tv show? It's a real head-scratcher!!
The City Phonies, Part 1, Olivia
I am slightly overwhelmed by the phonies, false characters, and wannabes on this show....and naturally, disappointed. I stand by my love of the cinematography. I rewatched this morning and as long as I can view NYC as the star of this show, I can tolerate it.
Okay, now back to Olivia. The first thing that ticks me off is this forced notion that she is a socialite (or annoyingly, a "social"). To state the obvious, no bonafide Socialite would be seen near a reality tv show.
Gawker, one of my favorite NY sites, posed the question, "Just who the hell is Olivia Palermo?" http://gawker.com/tag/who-are-you/?i=395289&t=just-who-the-hell-is-olivia-palermo
Almost three years ago, there was a web site known as socialiterank.com and it featured these little known and unimportant NYC young socialites. It was on this web site that olivia Palermo first jockeyed for socialite attention and embarrassed herself. Glad to see she's not done with that endeavor yet. For all the sad history on the socialite ranking web site and Olivia's shame, check out this past article from NY magazine. It's delicious. http://nymag.com/news/people/31555/
Weird reality? In 2007, Olivia was repped by Kelly Cutrone (Whit's former LA boss) and her PR firm.
Inevitable conclusion on Olivia? One of the fakest elements of this show. Not a socialite, not working for DVF, and completely fabricated persona. She makes for a great villainess, though, chewing up the scenery and rolling her eyes. Next "character" is Olivia's cousin, Nevan. I just can't read enough of his arrest record....coming up next!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The SHOCKER, my favorite post
I am a huge fan of Gilmore, who hosts Pretty on the Outside, linked here off to the left. He does some of the *BEST* and most amazing sketches of the Real Housewives. I stumbled across his blog on another site and I couldn't stop laughing, all the while admiring his talent and sketching all the housewives, but most of all, Vicki Gunlavson.
I noted a new post on his blog and ran over to see this gem...
Completely perfect timing since I was bummed out by the boringness that is Whitney Port that I was thrilled for the delicious diversion that is The Real Housewives of OC, creepy Ryan and of course, anything that serves to piss me off about the lies in Tamra's blog about the editing.
My MTV "reality" crush goes back to the days (and daze) of Laguna Beach. Maybe it's in the cinematography and the great locations...because it surely can't be all about the lame ass characters. Whatever it was or wasn't....it has changed. This show is a spin-off of a spin-off and now we're down to minor sidekick characters commanding a show all their own.
I should say, up front, that I liked Whitney on "The Hills." I am glad it was she and not Heidi or god-freaking-forbid Audrina who got a spin-off, but Whitney is nice. And boring. And she pronounces words funny...something about how she rolls a "g" at the end of a word (thinking becomes "thinking-k") It's odd.
There were weeks when she wasn't on "The Hills" and we never ever knew anything about her personal life, outside of Teen Vogue and that was okay. Now, she is pulling off (or trying to pull off) a show in the greatest city on Earth.
I still love the photography and the way Manhattan is shot, but I find myself saddened by this show.
First things first--GEOGRAPHY, folks.
Gramercy is *not* Downtown. There is all this chatter among these fools about Whitney being all "Downtown." She's so not. Worse? The lead fool making this argument is Olivia Palermo. Olivia lives where? I KNOW, I KNOW. Olivia claims to be an "Uptown Social." Bitch lives DOWNTOWN at 88 Leonard, which is a "not great" building in TriBeCa.
Truthfully, I do not believe Whitney nor Olivia work for Diane von Furstenberg. The whole premise makes the show incredibly weak.
Suddenly, private Whitney has men fighting for her in Manhattan and decides upon the Australian version of Audrina's lame ass Justin Bobby. What???
I was all for Whitney interviewing in NYC and leaving California because everyone knows fashion is in NYC and not LA, but this show is manufactured. Completely.
Episode one, Whitney shows up in The Big Apple and announces she is crashing at her friend's apartment. Who in the hell is Erin? We never heard of this friend--even when Whitney visited NY for The Hills related fashion duties, the job interview, etc. Suddenly, we find out Whitney has a good pal already in place....and it's been downhill from there.
I have been drifting all over the internet trying to confirm everything I *know* is wrong, just from watching this train wreck in my living room and so far, everyone on this show seems to be a phony plant, courtesy of MTV.
I am going to re-watch tonight's episode so I can comment on it. I watched it, live, when it aired at 10PM, but I can't think of a damned noteworthy thing to type here about it. I also want to highlight this cast of characters and who they really are.....
Tamra's crib up for sale
Sorry for the delay--I have been looking for this article online. It's from November, but it gives you some insight into the delusion that is Tamra Barney. If you read the replies to this cushy and moronic article, the Barneys have GOT to be upside down in the mortgage on their house. Read and enjoy. (I did laugh when Tamra suggested one of their prime reasons for wanting to sell is that folks occasionally want to gaze at a celebrity's house. Is there a celebrity in Tamra's neighborhood? I truly hope she didn't mean herself. ACK!! Of course she did. Bitch is crazy........)
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Bravo TV Video - Wrong Kind Of Attention
WOO HOO!! Awesome clip of Vicki making an ass of herself. Bravo to er, Bravo, for filming and sharing this. I could watch it all day long. Enjoy!