There was an interesting article in today's NY Post, Page Six. Some uncomfirmed sources are saying Kelly Curtone inked a deal for an 8 episode "reality show" with the good folks at Bravo.
Read all about it here:
Here is some interesting info I found in NY Magazine, last summer.
Today the New York Observer explores the many facets of fashion publicist–cum–Hills star Kelly Cutrone in what is perhaps the best profile ever. She unabashedly eats prosciutto, lives with an Argentine male model named Demian (whom she's trying to fix up with Whitney Port), spent a year and a half reading tarot cards on the beach, and used to be the kind of party girl that goes into bathroom stalls with her friends. Cutrone, who founded People's Revolution and works with designers like Yigal Azrouël and Vivienne Westwood, also has quite a mouth on her. And she doesn't just use it to boss around her staff.
I love the part about the Tarot Cards. Random......
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Kelly Cutrone...Reality series in the works?
Friday, February 6, 2009
"We're going to be in the Hudson"
Okay, this isn't REMOTELY part of the reality tv shows I watch, but it's too good NOT to post. Here's the cockpit recording from the US Airways Airbus Flight 1549 that landed in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. I listen to pilots talking to ATC all day at work and I have NEVER heard anyone so calm as Captain Sulley. It's an amazing recording.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
FINALLY--The Real Housewives of OC on Bonnie Hunt video
I was livid I missed this show, but thanks to Youtube, I finally saw what everyone was talking about...
"The City," The Truth Hurts
Time for my take on this week's episode of "The City." If I had remembered Kelly Cutrone was featured in this episode, it definitely would have been at the top of my DVR list...Kelly was a huge scene stealer on "The Hills" and I love to see her on my tv.
We start out with Whitney and her girls brunching and gabbing about their jobs. Cut to Erin, who I totally didn't recognize with bobby pinned bangs and bright red lipstick. Poor Erin is tired of being jobless and rearranging her closets (such is the fate of being rich and she is the daughter of AC/DC bassist Cliff Williams). Allie volunteers that her agency (One Model Management)is always looking for people who are cool, know about fashion and are into people...and after seeing enough MTV "reality shows," we all are 100% sure she will ace the interview and get the job. They always do.
Whitney, for some reason, invites Samantha, Erin and Allie to Kelly Cutrone's birthday party. It just seems odd because these youngsters don't seem like the type Kelly would want to be around....birthday or not. I can see inviting a date, but three other girls?
Erin meets with Scott Lipps at One Model Management and I am struck by the outfit she's wearing...jeans tucked into boots and a boxy, ill fitted jacket. I was tickled to hear a new euphemism for unemployed, which is "unofficially styling all the time," because that's how Allie describes her year and a half of not working since graduating NYU, combined with soul searching. In preparation for the big interview, it seems Erin got down to googling the company web site and she's so happy to learn the company is integrating modeling and fashion (uh-huh) and music. No surprise, she gets hired on the spot.
Later at Whit's apt, she and Allie help Erin celebrate Erin's new position with champagne as they get ready to hop over to Kelly's birthday soiree. (They might also want to make a toast to the fact that Erin's bangs are no longer taken hostage by bobby pins.) Whitney feels the need to advise some type of disclaimer about the kind of person Kelly is...according to Whitney, "She's pretty out there... she's really intense and kind of really in your face and she'll say exactly what's on her mind." Allie says she likes people like that--either you love her or hate her. Allie looks forward to asking Kelly what she thinks of her outfit.
At the Southside Nightclub, the girls greet Kelly and Allie immediately asks what Kelly thinks of what she's wearing. Following a long "ummmmmm," Kelly tactfully replies that she gets paid money to talk about things like that. Allie persists so Kelly tells her, "I like you...but I don't like your leggings."
This leads to the "after school special" portion of the show. Kelly asks Allie, "Are you okay?" When Allie says, "What?" Kelly asks again, "Are you okay? You seem so skinny. Are you okay?" Allie insists, "No way. It's not like that," and Kelly answers, "Are you sure? That's a question you should ask yourself." With that, Kelly excuses herself to go and DJ and Whitney is left at the table with a pouting Allie. She has morphed from the girl who loved people who told the truth to telling Whitney, "She said something about me being too skinny. Like what the fuck? Who are you?"
Just as Allie's night is going down the tubes, Erin runs into JR, her ex boyfriend. We find out that he moved up to NYC a year ago and they haven't run into each other in all that time. Classy guy that he is, he offers Erin a shot of tequila and a Bud light. She passes on the beer and heads straight for the tequila. That oughta make for an interesting evening.
As Erin gets reacquainted with her old flame, Whit and Allie run into Kelly at the bar. Kelly asks Allie what she does and when Allie mentions One Model Management, Kelly, of course, knows Scott Lipps. Kelly tells Allie that she seems so skinny and Allie begs her to stop saying that. It seems genuine when Kelly adds, "If you ever need any help....I mean...I think you just look really...." and before she can complete her offer, Allie storms out of the party (reminiscent of last week when she stormed out of Adam's party).
Whitney, good friend that she is, follows Allie outside. Whit apologizes for Kelly's blunt manner of saying what she thinks.
At Erin's apartment the next morning, she's making tea as JD is getting dressed and ready to do the walk of shame . He says something about "always being down for a party" and how he'll shoot Erin a text. I am beginning to wonder if building management would consider a revolving door for Erin's apartment....Also, JD seems super casual about having spent the night with his ex so I don't imagine we are looking at a reunion for these two.
Erin is next seen at Whitney's apartment, where she gives Whit the 411 on JD. She claims JD was her boyfriend in high school that he is the standard she always compares other men to...(but aren't we supposed to believe Erin and Whitney know each other from high school?) I don't get it.
Allie, unexpectedly, drops by Whit's apartment and joins the party. Whit congratulates Allie on having "such thick skin"...(did she miss the part where Allie stormed out of the party?) Anyway, Allie brushes it off as part of her life and it's a part of her career to have to accept other people's bullshit. Allie defends her thinness because she gets a lot of work as a model. Whit asks if there is such a thing as too skinny and Allie says there is, but she's not it. Allie reinforces the "I work, therefore I am" and Whitney wraps it up by saying, "If you are happy and healthy, that's all that matters." Allie does an impression of Kelly asking if she is okay and the girls laugh it off.
Erin is training at her new job where the motto is "fake it 'til you make it." She oughta do REAL well. Two seconds into her job, she's gossiping about seeing her old flame at a party.
On a snowy night, Adam and Allie brave the cold streets of SoHo to attend a party being thrown by One. Erin is already seated at the table when they arrive. Kelly comes in and Allie says, in a STAGE whisper, "Oh, it's my BEST FRIEND." For some reason, JAY is also at this party (does he model?) and he meets Kelly for the first time. Kelly takes the opportunity to apologize to Allie, as only she can, "I'm sorry if I upset you, by the way I didn't mean to devastate you." Oh my GOD. I am totally going to try to use that line in the future!!
Bratty Allie whispers to Adam, "What is she even doing here? I mean, it's MY agency's party." Ever protective Adam asks if Scott knew (I guess about the too skinny crap) and she answers, "No he doesn't know. Why should he know?" Good point.
Kelly suggests to a model next to her that she can find her some work and all but ignores Allie and her pouting. Adam and Allie go off to the bar and Adam asks if he should say something to Kelly--because we all know that if Allie needs to be upset, he knows he should be the one cheating and causing her misery.
As Kelly bites into a dinner roll, she deliciously observes that the best thing about going out with models is that no one eats. I so love this woman.
Whitney is back at work and her usual routine is to gripe to Olivia about something so Olivia can administer a smackdown* and seem disinterested. She fills Olivia in on the minutae of the Kelly and Allie feud. Olivia laughs off Whit's quixotic view and she asks the best question of the night, "What do you think, we have Shamu coming down the runway? No way." Whitney does seem super naive and even though Shamu is long dead, Olivia's point is valid. The fashion industry perpetrates the body issue and need to be thin.
Whit explains that she feels the need to talk to Kelly about it and Olivia is right when she tells her to drop it and not dwell on it.
In SoHo, at Dean and Deluca, we watch Allie and Adam grocery shop in Dean and Deluca and I suppose we are meant to feel better because Allie wants to eat smoked salmon and asparagus. Yep, she sure is packing on the pounds. Elsewhere in SoHo, Whitney is going to see Kelly at People's Revolution. Whit apologizes for leaving Kelly's birthday party so abruptly and explains that Allie's feelings were hurt. Kelly pulls no punches. She says, "You brought your friend to my party and I hurt her feelings. I'd like to say I'm sorry, but I'm not!" She says the fashion industry has accepted these girls that are skinnier than even the consumers feel is healthy. The industry has accepted thin beyond the ultimate extreme of thinness and Allie is BEYOND that. Whit counters that Allie gets a lot of work and her agency has never mentioned anything about her being unhealthy and Kelly says that maybe they will.
I love how Kelly Cutrone defines honesty..."Honesty isn't for other people. It's for yourself. Have you done your part as a human being? I couldn't NOT say something to her and the truth doesn't always come like a shiny bluebird on someone's shoulder. THE TRUTH HURTS."
I think MTV missed the mark on this one. The show is awfully painful to watch and although Kelly Cutrone raised a valid point, it gets lost. The upside, this week, was only a brief flash of Jay and exactly zero scenes featuring Jay and Whitney together. I wholeheartedly missed couch surfer Nevan on this episode (maybe he's in court working out the terms of his probation for that pesky prostitution arrest in Palm Beach last year?) It's not as though "The Hills" set the bar very high with this type of show, but "The City" is just a bad knock off.
*About that previously mentioned weekly smackdown that we're all so used to seeing Olivia give to Whitney at work, articles have been surfacing in the NY "newspapers" that MTV was angling for a more authentic type of smackdown for the cameras. Read about it here.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Bachelor
Before I get to last night's episode about Jason and his five remaining bachelorettes heading to Seattle, someone wrote me and asked if I knew anything about Jason's ex, the mother of his son, Ty. I do not know Jason, but a quick google search led to a ton of information about his ex, Hilary. Apparently she doesn't go by her former married name, Mesnick, instead she goes by "Hilary Madison Wynn" or Hilary Buckholtz or Hilary Buckholtz-Monrean. It seems she is 29, lives in Seattle, shares custody with Jason and she is a model.
I can't take credit for this actually goes to
Here is her modeling page from Model Mayhem and it's no surprise she's a brunette, since that seems to be Jason's type. Also, if you are a Facebook kind of person, you might be surprised to is Hilary.
Okay--so now to dish the latest episode...
Jason returns to Seattle and the five remaining girls fly up and stay at the Fairmont Hotel, which looks fantastic. Melissa is chosen for the first one-on one date. The plan is to "hit the town in style." Naomi, who has never HAD a one-on-one date is bent out of shape. Melissa is all happy and gloating...but when 7:30 comes and Jason doesn't show up, everything is in limbo. Jason calls and explains that there's been a change of plans. Ty doesn't want him to go out so the date to the Space Needle and a helicopter ride to a waterfall is off. He suggests she come by and just have a casual date at the house. (I say "the house" because rumor is that this houseboat is NOT Jason's house, but a set for the show.)
The rest of the girls are jealous that Melissa could possibly meet Ty, which would give her an advantage. Calculating group, aren't they?
Melissa arrives at the house and waits downstairs as Jason puts Ty to sleep. Although Jason isn't ready for any of the girls to "meet" Ty yet, he allows Melissa to peek in on Ty as he sleeps.
Flash over to the 4 remaining girls and each, except for Stephanie, is jealous about the advantage Melissa may have regarding Ty. It's ridiculous. They are all plotting as to how they will use Ty to their advantage.
Jason asks Melissa about meeting her family if he accompanies her to Dallas for a hometown date. She says he will meet her mom and dad (Bob and Mary) and her younger brother. She describes them as a close-knit group, although she is self-described as "The Black Sheep." She says she never brings boys home and her family has only ever met two of her boyfriends in the past (***Preview for next week shows that this information is probably useless***)
Next date is a group date with Molly, Jillian, and Stephanie are told to "open their hearts because love is on the air." This means Naomi will get her much obessed about one-on-one date.
Jason takes the three on a ferry ride to see Seattle. Jason takes Stephanie for some alone time. Steph steers the ship as she and Jason talk about her daughter, Sophia. The two share a wonderful parental bond, but there are no sparks or fireworks.
Next stop is a radio station with DJs named "Jackie and Bender," who are a married couple. Jason does an interview while the girls are in a sound proof room and trying to guess what he is saying. At home, Naomi and Melissa are glued to a radio and apparently listening, live.
When asked which was the most fun date, Jason says the most "amazing" was his date with Stephanie and her daughter. (Amazing is *such* an overused word in this show, but it does truly apply to bringing Sophia to California). He is then asked who is the best kisser and he says Molly. Naomi, incredulous, asks if the hosts only meant of the three girls there..because that would shield her ego from the fact that he didn't name her.
The hosts blindfold Jason and have the three bachelorettes come in to kiss Jason and see if he knows which one is which. Jillian goes first and she says she "forced her tongue into his mouth and touched his tonsils so he'd know it was her." Then, she laughs. Stephanie kissed his hands first and then tenderly kissed his mouth. Last was expert kisser Molly, who explains her technique has to do with touching his face.
I have to say, I haven't kissed any of these women, but I could have told who was who just by watching. The women are asked Jason's best feature and Steph answers his eyes and Jillian agrees. Molly dares to be different by declaring that it's his winning smile.
The DJs decide to go risque and ask the ladies what it's like when the lights go out. Molly answers that she is a lingerie kind of girl...and this draws glares from Naomi and Melissa, listening back in the hotel. Jillian says she likes fun when it comes to sex---starting playful and with giggles and ending up intimate. Stephanie says that when she's with a man, she wants to make sure he's "taken care of" and to kiss every square inch of him. Steph's response makes Naomi put her head on Melissa's shoulder.
Molly brings up Jason's divorced status and having a child and she explains that he is more of a man because of Ty. Stephanie comments on her date with Jason and Jillian says she's envious of the bond they share.
After the radio show, the group retires to the hotel for dinner and drinks. Jason leaves Stephanie and Molly to finish up dessert while he whisks Jillian off for some alone time. He's noticed a shift in her attitude. (***Next week's previews may actually explain what is going on with Jillian***). She explains to Jason that she went to the show for the experience and the adventure and she didn't expect to last this long or to have developed feelings for him and the competition has stressed her out. Jason presses about Jillian's expectations and whether they are realistic. She admits to maybe having expectations that are too high, but she says she has grown in the past year and she's now ready. To this, Jason leans in for a kiss.
Jason asks about what a hometown date would be like with Jillian. She says he'd meet her mom and dad (Glenn and Peggy) and her cousin, Tori. She suggests picnics, campfires, and camping when they go back to Canada. More kissing....flash to Naomi who is waiting for her date card, which says, "Don't look down, you might fall. In love." As she reads it to Melissa, Melissa throws in..."OR you might not."
Jason and Jillian return to dinner with Molly and Steph and Steph asks, "How did you know who kissed you at the radio station?" Jason says it was obvious. Now he takes Molly away for a chat. They walk around the streets of Seattle and Molly tells Jason that her family didn't like her last boyfriend and she'll never again choose a mate they didn't like. She also explains that she doesn't live anywhere near her family so moving to Seattle would be easy for her. Now he kisses Molly. So far, in the group date, Steph is the only one who didn't get a long make out session.
Next day is the big one-on-one date with Naomi and Jason already questions whether or not she will be ready to step into his life. With a sea plane in the background, they embark on a different type of tour of Seattle.
Back in the hotel, the remaining girls gather around the phone in their room as Stephanie calls her daughter. For some reason, Melissa is rocking a mud mask on camera, which is somehow refreshing to see.
After the sea plane ride, Jason takes Naomi to a rock climbing wall, which is tailored to what Naomi likes to do. After the wall climbing, Naomi and Jason have dessert in the place where they rock climbed (REI). They share fondue as Jason grills Naomi about her family. Naomi's mom had her when she was 19 and then divorced her dad. Naomi grew up feeling independent and seems to have moved on. She says now things are in a good place with her and her mother. She also says she sees a lot of herself in her mom and in Jason's one-on-one interview, he admits that scares him. He doesn't want another divorce. Naomi really lays it on thick with chatting about cooking family dinner at Christmas and adopting kids. (Of course these women obsessed on their biological clocks is because Jason already has a son. No single woman would dare mention this to a man who didn't have a child in the picture. Trust me!)
Back at the hotel, Molly is doing a bang up job of convincing the other girls that she is fearful she will be the one who is cut at this week's rose ceremony. She thinks she may be too young--in Jason's eyes. For some reason, Jillian and Melissa are soaking in a bubble bath with their bikinis on. Steph is afraid she may be "too settled" for Jason. Then, the girls dish Naomi and how they think her date is going.
With all the week's date behind him, Jason is left with his deliberation for who stays and who goes...and he knows that whichever four girls he selects will be taking him to her hometown to meet the folks. With that in mind, he decides he needs to speak to Jillian because he's afraid she'll break his heart, like Deanna did. He takes Jillian to a coffee shop for a heart-to-heart chat. Jason sees Jillian as the "backbone" of the group. She stays strong for everyone else. Jason tells Jillian that he's developing strong feelings for Jillian, but he wants to make sure the feelings are reciprocal. Jillian replies that Jason is "amazing" and they make out. In the coffee house. In the build up to the rose ceremony, Chris Harrison exclaims that one woman will "lose her chance to marry Jason. Forever." So dramatic!! And of course, it's billed to be "the most dramatic rose ceremony." Ever.
Jason meets with Chris and thanks to the extended two hour show, we get to sit and listen to Jason opine on all the girls. He thinks Melissa may be too good to be true and he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
With Steph, he thinks she might be one of the most fantastic people he's ever met and he says that if he winds up with Stephanie, he will be the luckiest guy in the world. They fit in a million different ways, according to him.
Jason feels he has a lot of chemistry with Molly and thinks meeting her family would be fun. He says everything with Naomi is just easy and although the chemistry has been slow to develop, he feels it's there.
At the rose ceremony, instead of just getting right down to sending one of the women home, Jason requests to talk to Naomi since he truly doesn't think she's ready. Naomi does a full-court press and their chat ends with a hug before they go back to the hotel room for the rose ceremony. The first rose goes to Jillian. Next up...Melissa, followed by Molly. This leaves Naomi and Stephanie and as much as I have liked Steph on this show, I know their lack of chemistry is going to become a factor.
Jason hands the final rose to Naomi. Stephanie looks crestfallen, poor girl. In an unusual twist, Jason nearly breaks down as he tells Steph that she's the MOST amazing person he's ever met and everyone is better off for having known her. He tells her that she's a beautiful person outside and in, as sappy music plays on in the background. He says he's glad he met her and she replies that she's glad got to be there and she wishes him the best. Jason walks her out to her waiting limo and he further explains that he so wanted the spark to be there, but the fact that it wasn't had not escaped Stephanie. She's a very classy person.
In the final interview from the limo, Stephanie doesn't cry or say a single bad word about any of the contestants or Jason.
Previews for next week show Jason on the hometown dates. Jillian "opens up about her past"....her mom was diagnosed with depression and it lasted for 15 years, Molly's family puts Jason to the test, Naomi's family may ruin everything (they show her mom burying a dead dove.). Melissa suffers her own predicament when her parents refuse to meet Jason or take the show seriously. She says the family objects to the "publicness" of meeting him. Stay tuned....
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Real Housewives of OC, Vegas Baby
This week starts out at K'ya, where Tamra takes her mom for a few drinks, 4 weeks post face lift. I have to say....her mom looks like a totally different person! When she was shown prior to surgery, she looked haggard and this week (maybe due to some post surgical swelling) she was almost unrecognizable (and you could see the wheels spinning in Tamra's small brain about her mom possibly claiming her rightful title as "Hottest Housewife.") Cheers to Sandy.
Of course, what else would go with a new look but a shot at love on an online dating service??? Way to make it about you, Tamra, by suggesting that Sandy use the headline, "I am the mom of the hottest housewife in Orange County."
Oh, brother. It says nothing of Sandy's "hotness" although she is clearly the one in the market for the new man.
Tamra tells Sandy that she's worried since Sandy is at the point of retirement and if she doesn't find a man, Tamra will be stuck taking care of dear, old mom. I guess being unemployed and having a stay-at-home husband is more than Tamra can take care of....
Brianna subjects herself to shopping for scrubs with Vicki, who suggests they design their own scrubs which will be cool and have glitter--because nothing screams competency in the Emergency Room quite like glitter.
Jeana returns to her hometown of Milwaukee. Apparently, Jeana has been "trying to visit" for 4 or 5 years, but with Shane and Colton's baseball schedule and Kara playing volleyball, mom and dad fell by the wayside. Of course, Shane has been away for more than a year playing and Kara has spent a semester at college, but I'm sure juggling your adult kids sports is no laughing matter.
Awkwardness ensues when Jeana asks her BLIND father if he saw the rain that day...and follows up with a query as to why her folks haven't visited California recently (maybe they were afraid of the kids' hectic sports scheduling?) To make her case, she says, "Even if you're blind, Stevie Wonder goes all over the world on tour." Nothing like peer pressure....and who wouldn't do exactly what Stevie Wonder does? As her mom says, "Good for Stevie."
Next we meet Jeana's younger sister, Janis, who lives near their parents. Jeana reminisces about going camping and fishing with her father when she was young and the old adage about how you should marry someone like your father. Naturally, she doesn't miss a chance to point out that Matt never liked those types of things and add that they probably never should have gotten married.
Back in the OC, Lynne's mom pops by for cocktail hour and as the two sip very large martinis, Lynne tells her mother that the love of alcohol is *not* skipping a generation--in fact, Raquel has gotten an early start on her addiction.
Lynne vents about how Raquel has no direction and her mom astutely points out that perhaps Lynne is "too nice" to her daughters. Lynne wants to play best friend. It was surprising to learn that Lynne's father was a Captain in the Navy and ran a tight ship in the home. It was also funny to see a family photo of Lynne growing up--I was struck that not only is she a dead ringer for Raquel, but her two sister's faces were blurred out. Hahahahaha. I guess they don't want to be associated with this damned show. Smart sisters!
Lynne's mom chimes in that in that situation, she would take away Raquel's car, but Lynne feels it was a birthday present and she doesn't want to use that as a punishment. Call me crazy, but if the girl has a drinking problem (at 18) should she ever be driving? It may be lost on Lynne, but only since she and her booze-guzzling daughter have been featured on this show, Mothers Against Drunk Driving has been broadcasting commercials both before and after the show and Bravo has been forced to air some type of disclaimer about the illegality of underaged drinking and how the show does not condone this behavior. About the only one who is still in the dark on the subject, apparently, is Lynne.
As Lynne's mom counsels her on how good the girls have it and it leads to their lack of motivation, Lynne confesses to not wanting to turn on the vacuum in the morning because poor Raquel likes to sleep in....(drinking all night and not having a job will lend itself to that). After that confession, Lynne's mom is totally enlightened (or as she says, "Ah, now I hear the picture")and tells Lynne that she's an enabler. Good call, Grandma!
Back in Milwaukee, Jeana and Janis are walking along the waterfront and talking about their parents' health. Jeana knows that Janis is picking up the slack and admits that if it were she left to tend to her parents and her sister was off in California and not visiting, she wouldn't like it. It seems like Janis would like to get out of Milwaukee, but with her own kids getting married, she envisions them having kids and she sums it up by saying, "I'm stuck." It's really rather depressing.
Back at Gretchen's..... Jeff has been released from the hospital and he is looking extremely frail. His kids are visiting and that leaves Gretchen free to live up to her obligation of "a girls weekend away."
Dinner at Vicki's and apparently, it's taco night and that makes Donn happy. Naturally, Donn's enthusiasm irritates Vicki because she wants someone to ask HER what she wants for dinner....Brianna arrives for dinner and Vicki immediately jumps on her about her schedule and how much SHE worries about Brianna every minute of every day. Brianna is definitely the most well adjusted of all the kids on the show.
It wouldn't be a family dinner without talking about the family vote to get Vicki's yacht. Donn and Brianna are now dead set against the yacht and supposedly talk Vicki out of it (everything I read about the "yacht" this season has said she could never afford the yacht and it was just for the show so no surprise here).
Now, it's off to Vegas, which seems more like an infomercial for The Red Rock Casino. The Presidential Suite has all kinds of red accents, which allows Gretchen to announce at least 150 times that SHE LOVES RED! The room was seriously nice--with a full bar and a pool table.
A champagne toast leads Lynne to call for a truce, to which Vicki answers (ugh) Kum-Bay-Ah. Then it's off to the pool. Jeana, sitting with Lynne and Vicki, says she wishes there were MEN there. As Vegas? In her one-on-one interview, Jeana announces, "I am ready to meet someone nice and who's all about me and I think I deserve it." Wow. Really?? I do feel bad for Jeana regarding her clear depression and her weight, but after just watching what a crappy daughter she turned out to be, the "I think I deserve it" came off as pretty self-centered.
Gretchen joins the girls and apparently she has found the most obnoxious gift in Las Vegas--the hottie whistle. It's a gift to poke fun of Tamra for her status as self-proclaimed "hottest housewife." The fricking whistle is about as annoying as Tamra. When Lynne says she wants a hottie whistle, Jeana smacks her down by saying, "You and I are past the hottie whistle stage." Lynne, in her one-on-one interview advises Jeana to speak for herself.
In Vicki's one-on-one interview, she tells of her blatant jealousy of Gretchen, er, I mean, her observation that Gretchen is an attention whore. Gretchen imparts her wisdom on the group by saying, "I'd rather be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Words to live by, indeed. Jeana describes herself as boring and as Gretchen insists NO ONE in their party is boring, Jeana lumps herself in with Lynne again and says, "We are pretty freaking boring, but we're tolerating you." This aggravates Lynne and a discussion ensues about the evilness that is Jeana. Jeana admits to being evil, but congratulates herself on being smart enough to hide it. Tamra adds that Jeana is the one to slam someone, but do it with a smile.
Brianna calls Vicki and she's crying about some problems she is having with her boyfriend. In typical Vicki response, she tells Brianna, "Stop crying, you're hurting my heart." Yes, it's all about Vicki.
What would Vegas be without gambling so the girls go off to play Blackjack. It floors Vicki that the girls aren't as good at the game as she is (in fairness to all, I will admit I have trouble with the adding at the table since an Ace can be 1 or 11...and I can't add that fast). In Tamra's one-on-one, she accuses Gretchen of playing dumb and being Jessica Simpson with the dumb act. She thinks it's like laughing in Vicki's face. Maybe the gesture of the hottie whistle was wasted on Tamra? Gretchen, in her one-on-one admits to yanking Vicki's chain because Vicki claims to be the best at everything.
It's off to dinner where apparently TWO people cannot both like bleu-cheese stuffed dirty martinis. It's VICKI'S SIGNATURE DRINK. A verrry long discussion followed about Lynne having Central Air Conditioning, but not knowing it. As Lynne escorts Gretchen to the bathroom, it leaves the opening for Vicki and Tamra to trash her and talk about how stupid she is......but Vicki also claims to be "calm all the time" and not like some crazy lunatic walking around.
In Lynne's one-on-one, she deadpans that she gets what the housewives are all about and she now has a plan--"To kill them with kindness. OR JUST KILL THEM." Excellent plan. The real joke of this season has been listening to Lynne's interviews because she is totally in on the joke. It must kill Vicki when the episodes air.
Jeana tells everyone to "put their party pants on" and meet up in the nightclub. Gretchen shrieks, "Jeana just wants to get laid." The nightclub is named Tryst. Although we didn't see much of it, Tamra's interview informs us that Gretchen and Lynne were going crazy on the dance floor and it was pretty much embarrassing. That says a lot because apparently Tamra's own bad behavior never seems to be an issue. Tamra remarks that Lynne's dress was up around her waist and her ass was hanging out. We never did see any of that footage (and you think Bravo would be gleeful about it...if it existed). Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
What was really disgusting, though, was watching VICKI. She was accompanied by a man whose face was blurred out (I guess he chose not to be identified--can ya blame him?) He spins Vicki around a time or two and Lynne says, "What stays in Vegas stays in Vegas--cause he was half her age for one thing" Ha!
One guy approaches Jeana and asks, "Are you still single?" She immediately puts the smack-down on him by sarcastically asking, "Why? Is your dad looking for a date?" Incredulous, he tells her that he is forty-five. Gretchen calls him out and he admits that he is, in fact, 25. Jeana tells him that she needs TWO of him, then. A quick flash of Vicki's date kissing her on the cheek as she places her hand over the camera lens...and it's all over.
Next week should feature Jeana and Kara on a road trip with Frankie, Tamra overacting and throwing a guilt trip on her dad for having the nerve to abandon her. Uh, at 25. Oh, and Jeana has a date with a Texan in a loooong limo.